Candidate Responses – Election 2015

A week ago I sent a rather long questionnaire to all of the candidates for school board.  Candidates were asked to have their responses to me by 9 PM on Tuesday the 14th.  Below are the responses I’ve received, except one, which was eaten by my computer and will be posted as soon as I can resolve my technical challenges. That response was sent by Gil Trenum, who is running unopposed to represent Brentsville District residents.

To the candidates who responded, thank you.  The questionnaire was long and probably took a long time to answer.  I appreciate the time and thought each of you put into answering our questions.

To anyone reading this, I hope the questions help you get to know the candidates and their thoughts on the issues we questioned.

The PWC Ed Reform Team

Candidates for Chairperson


Tim Singstock

Candidates for Occoquan District Representative


Candidates for Potomac District Representative

Betty Covington

Candidates for Coles District Representative


Bill Reeder

Candidates for Neabsco District

Joseph George

3 Responses to “Candidate Responses – Election 2015”

  1. Ed Says:

    How is Mr Singstock planning to reduce class sizes to 20? It is a noble goal but without a funding plan, it’s just pie in the sky.

  2. teknokavun Says:

    Thank you for posting this blog. Rural Mexico is a very beautiful place I hope the recent violence is far from where you are.

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